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Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization that is dedicated to seeing every child reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, discipled and established in a local church.  


CEF® has many different ministries for children, but the three primary ones are the Good News Club®, the 5-Day Club® and the Truth Chasers Club.


The Good News Club® and 5-Day Club® ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers all over the world. These fast-paced, one-hour programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment.


The Truth Chasers Club is an exciting Bible correspondence course designed to disciple children and adults. God has allowed us to reach over 483,000 people (70% of that number children) in more than 130 countries!


Along with these clubs, CEF® also has fair, camping, open-air, and internet ministries for children.  Last year through these combined ministries over 14 million children worldwide heard the good news.  


CEF® provides classes to train their workers and other Christians who are burdened for evangelizing children.  


In fact, training Christians to effectively minister to children has been core to our ministry since it was founded in 1937.  Training is offered throughout the USA and around the world through seminars, conferences, and formal courses.

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