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Teacher Training

Teaching Children Effectively

Training Classes


TCE 1 – This is a 30 hour college level course that has evangelism as its primary focus. It has three practicums in class (wordless book, memory verse and Bible lesson). It also requires a combination of 5 out-of-class practicums in order to successfully graduate.


TCE 2 – This also is a 30 hour college level course that focuses on Christian growth. It also has practicums involved in order to successfully graduate (song, missions emphasis and growth Bible lesson).


Teaching Pre-schoolers – This course has many hands-on activities in order to have a meaningful class time with preschoolers. Many famous Christians have received the Lord at a young age! Dr. James Dobson received the Lord at age three, and Corrie TenBoom at age four.

Training for Churches

Super Seminar - Also called Super Saturday, Dynamics of teacher training, this class is usually 5 to 6 hours long with both general and breakout sessions.


Individual Church Training - Contact your local office to find out how CEF staff can benefit your Sunday School, Children's Church, mid-week program, Vacation Bible School or church missions trip.


Fair Training Class - Want a low-commitment, highly effective ministry to impact your church and your community? Call your local CEF office to find out about this fruitful ministry that can be held at fairs and festivals in your area.


All of our teacher training is beneficial for teachers of Sunday School or other children's ministries.  We would love to hear from you and see what your needs are.


Children's Ministry InstituteThe Children's Ministries Institute® (CMI®) provides specialized, practical training in children's ministries not found in Bible colleges or Christian universities.If you have a heart for reaching children for Christ and discipling them, if you desire to train others in this ministry or if you are seeking career opportunities in this field, CMI is just what you need.

Call us:  425-252-6314

1832 Walnut Street

Everett, WA 98201

© 2018 CEF of Snohomish County


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